A Custom Android App
To Take Your Business Global

The fact that Android users are so numerous in many countries makes building an Android mobile app almost a must for a lot of products. Android’s accessibility as an open-source platform makes it the most common operating system on mobile devices across the world.

Our mobile team at Tapptitude specialises in top-of-the-line native Android development, for businesses ranging from fitness to healthcare, real estate or fintech. The diversity of Android devices may be a challenge for many Android developers, but our 10 years of experience in coding on Android has made us able to overcome them in every mobile product we’ve built.

Person coding at a laptopPerson standing at a desk with a laptop

When to Go For
Android App Development First


In our experience, going for native Android development is the best choice for startups and brands when they have a very good understanding of their audience and already have market validation.


A native Android app is also the right choice when you’re focusing on creating the best UX possible with silky smooth performance or shooting for high-growth in terms of users, starting from a budget which allows for this.

Why Choose Native Android Development

We build native Android apps for powerful industries















Real Estate

Real Estate











Why Choose Tapptitude
As Your Android App Development Partner?

Thrilling UI Based On Cutting-Edge Tech


As we’re a design-driven product studio, we love creating and implementing even the most intriguing UI designs all of this while we specialize in leveraging the latest technology to deliver unparalleled performance. We rigorously test and profile our solutions to ensure optimal results, all while streamlining development time to get your product to market faster.

Ready For All Kinds Of Form Factors


iOS stands out as one of the most secure operating systems, and their manual review system for the App Store means that they maintain a high level of quality throughout their store. Our iOS developers will make sure they leverage all capabilities and requirements to deliver a secure and stable mobile product.

Supercharging Your Product


Our experienced team excels in collaboratively building complex products, seamlessly integrating multiple components and catering to diverse requirements from various verticals such as UI, Web, QA.

Incorporating All Android Capabilities


The best native apps make the most of what a device has to offer in terms of hardware and sensors. We use Kotlin and Java as programming languages to tap into the device’s capabilities and create functionalities that empower any type of product you may need for your business.

The Right Android Services For Your Product

Code Audit

A code audit is a comprehensive review of source code in a software project to identify bugs, security breaches, or violations of programming conventions. This process is essential for ensuring the quality and security of the software.

This service provides significant value by helping to prevent potential future failures or security breaches, which can be costly and damaging to a company’s reputation. By identifying issues early, a code audit can save time and resources in the long term, reduce downtime, and improve user satisfaction.


starting from $1000


1 week

Start A Project

App Performance Optimizations

Are you having performance problems with the performance of your app? Ensuring your app is fast and fluent will significantly increase user engagement, as a seamless and responsive experience keeps users more invested and satisfied with the app. Additionally, this not only improves user engagement but also boosts conversion rates, as users are less likely to multitask and more likely to focus on completing desired actions within the app.


starting from $2000


2 weeks

Start A Project

Technical Consultancy

Get in touch with our senior Android experts, and leverage their expertise in solving current or future problems on your projects.

You will obtain a consultancy plan that offers hands-on time from one or more of our engineers, in matters that include, but are not limited to risk mitigation and problem solving, solution customization, performance optimization, code review and architecture optimization, knowledge transfer to your in-house team. We will be mindful of your time and try to offer the best possible value within the agreed timeframe.


starting at $550 for a 10 hour consultancy package

* The price can be negotiated on larger packages.

Start A Project

Our Android Development Tools

Having a well-defined set of tools is key in maintaining a fast, iterable, flexible and scalable development process. Here is a list of the tools we use most in the development process.

Android Studio icon

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development and our main tool for building awesome apps. Developed by Google and JetBrains, it offers state-of-the-art toolchains for coding, building and testing apps.

Kotlin icon


One of the most modern, concise and safe programming languages that makes developers happier when writing fast and stable Android apps.

Gradle icon


Gradle is of the most powerful build tools out there, helping us at every step: compiling, testing and delivering faster and safer. Automation is it's middle name.

Room icon


Room is a Google-provided library for Android app development that simplifies working with local databases. It offers an intuitive API and integrates well with other Jetpack libraries.

Jetpack Compose icon

Jetpack Compose

Android's modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development with less code, easier testing capabilities, quick theming and great reusability.

Google Firebase icon

Google Firebase

One service that can't be missing from any Android app. Whether we talk about quick ways to distribute the app, analytics, crash reporting, performance measuring or push notifications - Firebase does it all.

Continuous Integration icon

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is something we encourage each client to have in the development process. It provides hassle-free release cycles with a safer and faster approach to releasing new app versions.

Material Design icon

Material Design

Material Design provides a consistent and immersive user experience. It introduces innovative features like adaptable layouts, enhanced theming capabilities, and improved accessibility guidelines.

Android Studio icon

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development and our main tool for building awesome apps. Developed by Google and JetBrains, it offers state-of-the-art toolchains for coding, building and testing apps.

Kotlin icon


One of the most modern, concise and safe programming languages that makes developers happier when writing fast and stable Android apps.

Gradle icon


Gradle is of the most powerful build tools out there, helping us at every step: compiling, testing and delivering faster and safer. Automation is it's middle name.


Meet Our Android Development Squad

Georgiana S.
Georgiana Daniela Stanciu
Android Developer
Alex P.
Alex Cristian Pop
Android Developer
Cristian D.
Cristian Dregan
Android Developer
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